Monday, January 25, 2010

"Queen of Rivers" - The Amazon River...

The Indians called the Amazon River - ParanĂ¡-Tingo, which means " Queen of Rivers. " And indeed, this river is by all measures - the greatest in the world.

The honor of opening the Amazon River belongs to the Spanish conquistador Francisco de Orelyano. On named it in honor of the women warriors of Greek mythology, when mistook for a female long-haired Indian Yagua dressed in fibrous skirt. Interes to the discovery of the Amazon rose again in the late XIX century, connection with the rubber boom.

Brazilian Amazon - a vast realm of swamps and jungles, in turn, is the greatest in the lowlands of earth. During the flood, when the level of the Amazon rises to 20 feet, this flat is flooded nearly 100 kilometers in area, turning into a huge fresh water sea prick here and there the tops of trees.

Amazonian tidal feature is the famous "Prophetsa" which means "thundering water". From the clash of the mighty river runs to meet the tidal wave on the Amazon River formed 6 meters high water wall, topped with foamy crest. He rolls up the river with a loud roar, sweeping away everything in its path and mount the vessel, which did not have time in advance to take refuge in a side channel or bay.

Depth at the mouth of the Amazon is about 100 meters, and even after 3 000 kilometers, it exceeds 20 meters, which allows sea-going vessels pass through the whole of Brazil and get to Peru.

Amazon got its name because the Spanish conquerors, who, fighting on the banks of the river with the Indians, were struck by the fury of the intrepid Indian women, who fought along with men of the tribe. Brave warriors reminded Spaniards ancient myth of Amazon - and through them the river got its name.

The waters of the Amazon known as "white" - because of the huge amount of silt transported river water becomes very turbid, opaque and seems bright. In this regard, near the city of Manaus is possible to observe a very amusing effect. At the confluence of the Amazon Rio Negro, the water which, on the contrary, it is very clear and, as a consequence, it seems almost black (hence the name of the river) water of these two powerful rivers do not mix immediately, within 15 miles down the Amazon River from Manaus can be seen a parallel, in the same vein, two-colored flowing river.

Amazon basin without reason called the "green lungs" of our planet - that the largest array of tropical rain forest on Earth is the main supplier of oxygen in the atmosphere. But civilization is increasingly coming to the Amazon jungle - and the scope of this appalling attack: every hour disappears 4 square kilometers of the Amazon jungle and the speed of development of these lands man is ever increasing.

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